We are supporting our own Minister Cecelia Horton as she travels to Uganda for her next mission trip, April 18 – May 2, 2024, along with others from Embrace Uganda for New Hope’s next FISHing Sunday on March 31st. She will be traveling with Embrace Uganda out of Wake Forest, NC-a team of only two (2) people.
Greatest Needs – Many times the Board of Embrace Uganda is approached to help address needs that present themselves throughout the year. A teacher needs resources to be able to teach. A vehicle breaks down. In 2016, through a generous gift, a baby house was built to house orphaned infants. There is need for upkeep, furnishing, bedding and supplies. Undesignated gifts are used to help meet these needs.
Clean Water – Access to clean water is critical to improve the health and opportunities for community development in all of Uganda. With the help of generous donors we have been able to drill twelve clean water wells in the areas we serve. We have seen a school being built around one of those wells, as children now can stay the whole day without having to carry water. This is life changing! $10,000 will help drill another well.
Education – Embrace Uganda provides scholarships to students each year. These scholarships cover school fees, books, boarding and uniforms. We have seen students graduate. We have seen exam scores soar. We have seen children have opportunities that did not exist before. $1,200 will provide education and living expenses to a child for a year.
Medical – Embrace Uganda sponsors outreach clinics in the communities we serve. We send health care providers, offer laboratory testing and provide medications to children and their caregivers. Most of the clinics are held at schools. Our goal is to provide every child within our reach with one health exam per year in areas where there are no doctors. $2,500 will sponsor a clinic that serves 600 students. We have built a contemporary clinic in the village of Kaihura in Western Uganda capable of providing primary care services, delivering babies, and administering antiviral therapy for HIV/AIDS patients. One of our partners has built a new clinic in Koreng and Embrace Uganda is in the process to furnish the clinic with supplies, furnishings and testing equipment.
Admin – Help offset some of the Administrative cost Embrace Uganda has, such as web hosting fees, accounting, etc.
Prayerfully consider how the Lord wants you to help meet the needs of the children and elders in Koreng and Kaihura. NO matter how much or how little that you are moved to give, we trust that the Lord will supply every need according to His riches in glory. You may make a tax-deductible donation by clicking here and selecting Uganda Missions from the drop-down menu. You may also mail a check payable to Embrace Uganda or New Hope Missionary Baptist Church to PO Box 52266, Durham, NC 27717-2266
As always, we appreciate your generosity and commitment to our mission as we “Move from Membership to Discipleship: Experiencing New Life, New Ministry, and New Hope.”